The Roland RE-201 Space Echo is our sexiest FX unit.
This vintage (but portable!) tape delay/spring reverb system is a must have if you want to inject warm, warped, spaced analog echo delays into your songs. From subtle tape textures to cosmic chaos, its distortion + musical wow and flutter has proven to enrich the sonic palette of thousands of guitarists and electronic music producers over the world.
RE-201 Space Echo is a collection of sounds made by feeding a RE-201 unit with different sound sources. We connected our favourite percussion kits on the MPC and played them thru this cosmic time machine.
The result are rhythmic textures and delayed effects to use as layers to support your main drum programming.
Inside you will find 110 different sounds ranging from long snare reverbs, delayed hi-hats, and lots of other weird dub effects + 7 kits ready to play in Ableton, Maschine or Akai MPC.
2 drum kits + 5 fx kits that will satisfy your cosmic dub fx needs.
Get your RE-201 Space Echo sounds and dub your life for free!